女主角溫婉的嗓音和著原唱David Bowie的滄桑,Mitty臉部表情開始有了變化,當吉他聲轉強,醞釀著心態上的一次重生,當歌詞提到「Now it’s time to leave the capsule if you dare」,Mitty已經一躍而上,跳上了直升機,離開地面,決定啟程奔向他的夢想。〈Space Oddity〉裡的湯姆少校(Major Tom)一直是貫穿整部電影的重要元素,導演特別安排了情節來介紹,湯姆少校是一個甘願冒生命危險執行任務的實踐者,而Mitty最終也成為了這樣一個築夢踏實的人。
"There's a starman waiting in the sky. He'd like to come and meet us. But he thinks he'd blow our minds. There's a starman waiting in the sky. He's told us not to blow it." (有一個太空人正在等,有一個太空人會來找我們,他認為他可以改變我們的想法,有一個太空人正在等,他告訴我們別搞砸了。)
Flowers are left below a mural of David Bowie on a wall in Brixton, south London, as the top five slots on the iTunes chart were filled by his albums following his death
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